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Our approach to sustainability

Sustainability is an integral part of Europi’s core values and investment strategy. Europi operates within a holistic ESG framework at both corporate and asset level to ensure that the “ESG” impact is a consideration in all aspects of the business. When evaluating new investments, the ESG perspective is always a fundamental part of the acquisition and business plan development processes.

Europi is a signatory of the UN Global Compact Principles, who work for businesses worldwide to align strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Through stakeholder dialogues and a materiality analysis, Europi identified three focus areas to guide all our sustainability efforts: The Planet, Social Responsibility and Business Ethics & Governance.

The Planet

Europi continuously works to improve the environmental impact of the Group’s operations. Efforts are especially focused on reducing our carbon footprint and increasing energy efficiency as well as the share of renewable energy.

Social Responsibility

We believe we have a responsibility to contribute to the creation of sustainable societies. Europi prioritises the well-being of employees and partners, diversity and gender equality, customer satisfaction and supporting social initiatives.

Business Ethics & Governance

Europi operates with the highest standards of business ethics in accordance to Swedish best-in-class corporate governance practices. We believe transparency and integrity are essential prerequisites for sustainable business and economic development.

Partnerships, frameworks
and certification schemes